展会要闻/Exhibition Highlights
新鲜出炉!萧山最强大米! 迎接高山生态大米,杭州这里的村民乐开花 市场规模预计超千亿,功能大米新品类如何为用户带来主食营养升级 稳血糖、降血脂,浙大团队研发“神奇”大米! 上海38款大米同台pk,谁是口感no.1?农业专家:今年上海大米“没那么好看,但口感很好”
Related exhibitions - creating a classic event for the entire industry chain of grain, oil and food industry
Speed up the pace of technological innovation, transform the new model of economic growth, the large marketfor the genuinely good rice is at the RICE China Rice Exhibtion!
新鲜出炉!萧山最强大米! 迎接高山生态大米,杭州这里的村民乐开花 市场规模预计超千亿,功能大米新品类如何为用户带来主食营养升级 稳血糖、降血脂,浙大团队研发“神奇”大米! 上海38款大米同台pk,谁是口感no.1?农业专家:今年上海大米“没那么好看,但口感很好”
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