展会要闻/Exhibition Highlights
省市专家齐聚一堂 会商如皋富硒健康稻米产业发展 湖北杂交水稻研究中心启动建设 科技赋能崇明横沙岛订单农业,打造高品质大米品牌 建德民建开展爱心大米冬季暖心行动 荆楚粮油物美价廉 江汉大米成年货“新宠”
Related exhibitions - creating a classic event for the entire industry chain of grain, oil and food industry
Speed up the pace of technological innovation, transform the new model of economic growth, the large marketfor the genuinely good rice is at the RICE China Rice Exhibtion!
省市专家齐聚一堂 会商如皋富硒健康稻米产业发展 湖北杂交水稻研究中心启动建设 科技赋能崇明横沙岛订单农业,打造高品质大米品牌 建德民建开展爱心大米冬季暖心行动 荆楚粮油物美价廉 江汉大米成年货“新宠”
Media Partners------Let the dream take off here.